Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Expense Reports Oh My!!!!!

Now everyone thinks my job is soooo glamourous and wonderful and I get to travel to fun cities and stay at nice hotels etc. but no one ever thinks about everything else that comes along with the employment responsibilites of a meeting planner. Yes I do admit.. I do get to travel to nice cities and stay at nice hotels but that is just a small percentage of what goes into my day to day routine. I must say that every job, be it a doctor, lawyer, waiter, garbage collector....while they all may have "perks"...(well perhaps not the garbage guy) but they all have the "hate to do" segment of their positions. Mine are expense reports!!! Yes ladies and gentlemen....after every conference/meeting we are tasked with the wonderful job of collecting, auditing, logging and copying each and every expense report associated with that meeting. Here is my stack just for TODAY!!!! I already have writers cramp thinking about signing off on all of these......cant wait to see the stack tomorrow.....sigh.......

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